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2016 Nissan Maxima

By Steve Schutz, MD

  The floating roof is a new design trend        Big Man on Campus that they used to be            created, as buttons, knobs, and screens are
out of Japan that’s “the thing” right now.       thanks to the ever-increasing popularity of       seemingly everywhere. Thankfully, once you
Floating roofs are optical illusions created by  crossovers, they still sell well and satisfy the  take the time to sit down and make sense of
rear windows that connect with side win-         needs of many car buyers today.                   the controls, it becomes apparent that a lot
dows via dark panels of some type. Those                                                           of thought went into them. And truth be
panels make it look like the roof of the car is    The Maxima’s exterior design reflects what      told, once you see that most functions can
floating over the top of the vehicle. While      some industry observers have called the           be accessed through the central control
floating roofs are eye-catching and novel de-    death of understatement. From the promi-          knob, you realize that a lot of the buttons
sign elements, I personally don’t see them       nent grille to the assertive head- and tail-      and knobs on the dash are redundant. (Since
lasting much past the current generation of      lights to the cavalcade of creases on the         everybody has their preferred way to do
cars and crossovers that have them now.          bodywork—and let's not forget that floating       things, extra options are fine with me.)
                                                 roof—the Maxima’s look suggests that Nis-
  Having said that, floating roofs can be        san’s design team used as many styling flour-       Driving the Maxima is very pleasant thanks
found on three very popular (and recently        ishes as they thought they could.                 primarily to a nicely sorted chassis and lots of
redesigned) mainstream vehicles, the Nissan                                                        horsepower. The only engine available, Nis-
Murano, Lexus RX, and the subject of this          It works, though. The Maxima looks              san’s ubiquitous 3.5L V6 provides a muscular
review, the Nissan Maxima. Those three ve-       good. Maybe I’ve been beaten down by over-        300 HP--enough to pull the 3545 Lb sedan
hicles alone will account for around 250,000     styled Nissans, Lexuses, and Mercedes, but        from zero to sixty MPH in 5.9 seconds. Yes I
sales in 2016, so a lot of floating roofs will   the Maxima always struck me as attractive         said, “pull”. The Maxima is a FWD car,
be, umm, floating around the US this year.       when I walked up to it. Let’s call it happily     which limits sportiness as does the buzz
                                                 extroverted and leave it at that.                 killing continuously variable transmission
  The Maxima is Nissan’s biggest and most                                                          (CVT). Still, the Maxima feels athletic and
expensive sedan, and while sedans aren’t the       That same enthusiasm for excess seems to
                                                 have carried the day when the interior was

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