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                                                    By Evan Ratner, MD

  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the       for most allergic reactions, and as a bonus can also help with a little
moments that take our breath away. Vacations are a time away from         heartburn, or occasional trouble sleeping.
the routine that we hope will take our breath away. To get it right, we
spend a lot of time deciding the specifics of what to take, what is a       SCENARIO TWO: Teenage boy wants a great tan to ensure the
necessity and what can be left behind. I’ll take my hiking boots, but     Florida girls will be unable to resist his charms. Spends the entire first
should I take my running shoes as well? Will I need four pair of socks    day out in the sun without any sunblock or protective clothing that
or five? Should I pack an extra pair just in case, after all, they don’t  may slow his transition to a golden color. That night he once again
take up much space? How many of us put the same thoughtfulness            turns bright red. this time it is a diffuse color sparing only the area
into building a vacation emergency first aid kit? It shouldn’t take up    between his waist and knees that was covered by his shorts. We apply
much space, but it could make all the difference.                         cool wet towels to help reduce the temperature, and provide sympto-
                                                                          matic relief. We make sure sure that he drinks a lot of water, juice and
  SCENARIO ONE: Teenage boy wants to clear up some acne to                gatoraid to stay hydrated and we give him an anti-inflammatory med-
ensure the Italian girls will be unable to resist his charms. Starts a    ication to help control the pain and the injury. We then make sure
new medication one day prior to leaving for the family vacation.          that he gets frequent applications of topical aloe.
Two hours into the transatlantic flight his ears swell to elephantine
proportions, only dwarfed by the swelling of his hands and feet.            LESSON TWO: Over the counter Non steroidal anti-inflamma-
Luckily the vibrant red, ever changing, seemingly glowing patches         tory (Advil, Motrin, Aleve) can be effective treating moderate pain
of skin distract the amazed onlookers from the swelling. My son           and inflammation. A small vial of zinc oxide cream can go a long way
was experiencing a pretty impressive allergic reaction to the new         in obtaining great protection from the sun.
medication. Thankfully his airway was not compromised and he
could still breath. I stopped the new medication and gave Benedryl          SCENARIO THREE: Five year old girl swimming at a beach sus-
and Zantac. Most people know that Benedryl is a histamine blocker         tains multiple painful jelly fish stings and is very scared and uncom-
that can be used to reduce allergic reactions, but Zantac (ranitidine)    fortable. Mother takes her behind a beached sail boat and rinses the
is also a strong and useful histamine blocker even though it is best      stings with urine.This does not relieve the pain at all and emotionally
known for reducing heartburn.                                             scars both Mother and Child for life.

  LESSON ONE: Over the counter Benedryl and Zantac are great                LESSON THREE: Peeing on jelly fish stings is not an effective
                                                                          treatment. Thank goodness my wife administered the “treatment” be-

22 San Antonio Medicine • May 2016
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