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2016 Range Rover LWB

By Steve Schutz, MD

  Land Rover is expanding its Range Rover,        cuss a vehicle’s interior, but it seemed appro-   colades. From those views, its exterior styling
um, range with a new long wheel base              priate to talk about the Range Rover LWB’s        is fabulous, just like the standard length ver-
(LWB) version, and—finally!—a Diesel en-          larger cabin first because it’s the reason buy-   sion. You just want one. But from the side it
gine option. This is welcome news and clear       ers will choose this version over the standard    looks a touch too long, as if it were made of
evidence that Jaguar-Land Rover is commit-        one. The additional 7.8 inches of wheelbase       taffy and the engineers held the front and
ted to expanding their market share by going      is mostly used to increase legroom for those      rear axles and pulled, which they kind of did.
the extra mile to appeal to any customer who      fortunate enough to be seated in back, and
might be interested in their products. Good       that change makes a significant difference.         The rest of the interior is also excellent,
thing, since it’s not like the competition is     Rather than sit at attention which you will       with top-shelf leather, wood, and other ma-
sitting still.                                    in the rear seats of the standard Rangie, you     terials just where you expect them to be. I’ve
                                                  inevitably find yourself stretching out. Either   noted this previously, but in my view, the
  I recently tested the Range Rover LWB,          a three seat bench or twin Captain’s chairs       whole off road SUV ju-ju is diminished by
which soccer moms with tall kids (basket-         may be selected, though only the two seat         the Jaguar-esque rotating shift knob on the
ball moms?) will certainly appreciate. Orig-      option allows you to recline up to 17 per-        center console. In Jaguars, this styling flour-
inally designed for China, where                  cent, should you so desire, which let’s face it,  ish is a good thing, but in a Range Rover, I
high-status people prefer to be chauffeured       there’s no way you won’t.                         don’t think it works. Otherwise, the rest of
rather than drive themselves, the Range                                                             the Range Rover’s cabin is best in class.
Rover LWB has been created with the focus           When you look at the Range Rover LWB
on the rear-seat passengers.                      from the front or rear, you’re reminded of          On the road, the Range Rover LWB drives
                                                  why the brand has won so many design ac-          a lot like the standard one, which is a good
  Usually I wait until later in a review to dis-                                                    thing. Completely comfortable cruising

44 San Antonio Medicine • March 2016
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