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                                         The Four Keys to a
                                     Great Facebook Page

                                                                                                              By Lilly Ibarra

  Patients are depending more and more heavily on the Internet to       like a blog article. Mix these with posts about new services, locations,
make a decision about a new healthcare provider. And they aren’t        or hours, and other fun updates like a happy holidays post. Balance
just looking at your website or online reviews. Today, 40 percent of    promotional posts with more informational content and always be
consumers say information found via social media affects the way        professional.
they deal with their health.
                                                                          4. Show patient reviews. Patients both like and trust reviews. Ac-
  Having a Facebook page not only allows your practice to be a so-      cording to Rock Health, 50 percent of patients looked at reviews
cial media health resource for patients, it also helps increase your    for doctors or health services. Share reviews from patients on your
search engine optimization, and improves overall search results on-     Facebook page.
line. But it only helps if you do it right.
                                                                          Many physicians are hesitant to get into social media. However,
Here are the key things you need to do to ensure                        there are many practices that are already out there and doing a great
that you get the most from your Facebook page:                          job. A recent list of the 20 Best Medical Practice Facebook pages
                                                                        shows some great examples across several specialties. Look at some
  1. Design it to match your practice brand/identity. Everything        of them for inspiration:
you do should have a consistent look and feel. This is your brand or
identity. Patients should know it is you—whether they are looking         MDCore Urgent Care has more than 1,300 likes on Facebook.
at Facebook, your website or online ad. Make sure everything you        They post almost every day, share reviews on their page and make
do is consistent and conveys the core message you are trying to get     it easy to see hours, location, and a link to their website. Best of all
across. If you want to be seen as warm and welcoming then be sure       when you click through to their site they have a scheduling tool for
your overall design and images convey that.                             booking an instant appointment.

  2. Make contact information, location, and hours easy to find.          Dr. Rob Lamberts: Dr. Lamberts has nearly 2,000 likes on Face-
Your practice location, phone number, website and hours should be       book. He posts pretty often, but the best thing about his page is the
right on the home page and easy to see. People have a short attention   way his personality comes through. One look and you can tell this
span and get frustrated easily. Don’t bury key information on an-       is a fun and likeable guy — someone you’d be comfortable telling
other page.                                                             your problems to.

  3. Post regularly. Many practices find it hard to post every day,       What’s nice about Facebook is that it costs virtually nothing to
but try post at least once or twice a week. If you can post daily that  set up and manage. In addition, the return can easily be new patients
is even better! Share posts from others as well as your own content     since over 75 percent of patients are conducting an online search
                                                                        before booking an appointment with a new provider.

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