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see more originality in future generations. I’d  Their first serious effort at making the own-   boost V6 engine. As always, Phil Hornbeak
also like to see a better infotainment user in-  ership experience special is the Lincoln Black  will helpfully guide you through the buying
terface. The current one is intuitive and log-   Label program. Available with the MKZ,          process. My only 2 cents here is to order
ical, but the small screen and (too) busy        MKX, and MKC, the Black Label program           yours the way you want it as long as you get
menus are downers.                               includes vehicle pick-up and drop-off for       the ecoboost engine.
                                                 service, car washes anytime, annual inte-
  Driving the MKX is, no surprise, a lot like    rior/exterior detailing, test drives at your      I’m happy to see Lincoln growing again.
the RX 350. There’s very little road or engine   home or office, and access to unique culi-      Ours is a competitive luxury automotive
noise unless you’re really hustling, and the     nary experiences at select restaurants. I like  marketplace where you need brains, guts,
ride is geared for comfort, not sport. It’s all  all of this, especially the pick-up and drop-   and a good plan to succeed. After several
very Lexus like, which is usually a problem      off for service. I use that perk regularly for  years of wandering, Lincoln is moving in
for enthusiasts but shouldn’t be. I’m an en-     my Lexus, and it’s great. In the morning I      the right direction. I hope they continue
thusiast, but even I don’t want to be, umm,      leave my key and a credit card with the re-     to grow.
enthusiastic all of the time. Honestly, after a  ceptionist at my office, and in the afternoon,
long day working and scoping (from 7:30-         the key is on my desk, and I can walk out to      If you’re in the market for this kind of ve-
5:30, or later, sometimes much later) I don’t    my serviced (and cleaned) car and drive         hicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-4367.
want a demanding car. At all. I want a quiet     home. Why only Lexus and Lincoln are fo-
cocoon where I can relax and make a few          cusing on this type of customer pampering                           Steve Schutz, MD, is a
phone calls. I’m betting there are more than     is beyond me.                                                    board-certified gastroenterolo-
a few physician readers out there who are                                                                         gist who lived in San Antonio
with me. A Lexus or Lincoln is a good thing,       Average transaction prices for MKX                             in the 1990s when he was sta-
especially if the dealer is going to help make   crossovers are expected to be around            tioned here in the U.S. Air Force. He has been
my life peaceful in other ways.                  $45,000-$50,000, which will get you a well      writing auto reviews for San Antonio Medicine
                                                 equipped vehicle with a turbocharged eco-       since 1995.
  And that appears to be the case at Lincoln.

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