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illness. A paradigm shift is needed to care for this aging popula-      Geriatric Society in 2004, showed that house calls for three
tion or the costs will continue to increase as our society ages. The    months post-hospitalization cut readmission by more than half
sickest patients (10 percent of the Medicare population), those         (23 in the house call group versus 63 in the control group). Figure
with five or more chronic conditions, drives more than half of          2 below shows the tremendous cost savings. The home visit inter-
Medicare costs. These patients are also the target population of        vention stopped at three months but benefits continued for an ad-
home visiting practices (Cornwell, 2015).                               ditional three months, with over 50 percent reduction in
                                                                        readmission in cost versus the control population. No further ben-
  Prevention of ER visits and hospitalization is the goal of home       efits were seen in the 6-12 month period, showing the need for
visit medical groups and it seems to be working. The cost of one ER     continued long term home visits.
visit is equivalent to around 10 home visits.
                                                                          Restoring the doctor-patient relationship is of paramount impor-
  Data published in the New England Journal of Medicine in April        tance. The potential of home medicine has barely been tapped.
2009 revealed that 20 percent of Medicare hospital discharges were      With all the technological advances, home visits offer effective treat-
readmitted within 30 days and 34 percent within 90 days. Half of        ment and improve the quality of life of the aging population while
the 30-day readmitted patients had not seen a physician since their     decreasing the number of ER visits, hospitalizations and readmis-
hospital discharge. Attempts to reduce readmissions with Medicare       sions after discharge. This field is wide open and I encourage doctors
home health (nurses, therapists, social workers, aides) were generally  both young and old to consider entering this emergent practice.
not successful, with readmission remaining high around 28 percent.
In contrast, home care medicine by doctors, nurse practitioners and                     David Cavazos, Practice Manager – Doctor At Your
physician assistants has shown to have a profound effect on both re-                 Service (DAYS), Phone: 210-771-5622, dcavazos@doctor-
duced readmission and healthcare costs.                                    

  A study by Naylor, published in the Journal of the American

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