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2016 Ford Mustang GT

By Steve Schutz, MD

  In past reviews I’ve discussed “One         decades, and which just recently replaced       think that about the Mustang.
Ford,” former CEO Alan Mullaly’s fa-          the Econoline/E-series vans in the U.S.           Not coincidentally, the new Mustang
mous plan to unify the far flung com-         How’s that radical change been going? In
pany’s products as much as possible. Why      a word, well, with sales that are signifi-      was completely re-engineered last year and
not, the great Mr Mullaly wondered,           cantly better than the Econoline could          is now clearly meant for global consump-
make one Ford Focus for all markets in-       muster before it was replaced. Despite          tion. Three changes in particular are de-
stead of different ones like Ford always      sporting a distinctly Euro design, the Tran-    signed to make Ford’s long time icon more
had? Naturally the answer was, “because       sit is proving to be very popular because it’s  desirable in non-North American markets:
it’s unbelievably hard,” but thanks to their  a better product than the E-series, offering    replacing the solid rear axle with an inde-
recently retired CEO, Ford now produces       vastly better packaging and much more ef-       pendent rear suspension (IRS), cutting
far fewer different car and truck models      ficient drivetrains.                            weight for improved fuel economy, and
around the world than they used to, and                                                       upgrading the quality of the interior.
we’re the better for it.                        OK, you say, One Ford is good. But are
                                              there any Fords which couldn’t work in            Those changes are important because
  Want a better example than the Focus?       non-North American markets? Two years           cars in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere are
How about the Transit, a full-size van that   ago I would have said the Mustang and F-        more expensive than they are here. That
has sold in Europe and other markets for      150. I still say the F-150, but I no longer     means that customers expect their cars to
                                                                                              be well built with excellent materials and

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