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Five Major Financial Mistakes
        Made by Doctors

                                        By Jim Rice, CPA

  To become a physician takes exceptional dedication and focus.        # 2 Trying to keep it simple
Doctors acquire a vast quantity of medical knowledge but too little      Doctors don’t want more complexity to an ever challenging career.
in the business management area. In today’s environment, business
issues can dominate the running of a medical practice. It is im-       However, complexity can provide great benefits. Separating different
portant for you to be aware of common mistakes that are made in        locations and services can give asset protection and isolate loss cen-
operating a practice, and even more importantly, to address the        ters. Owning your building in a separate partnership provides many
possibility that you are making some of these mistakes. The mis-       advantages. Moving your unprotected investments into a family lim-
takes below were gathered from years of experience in assisting        ited partnership creates asset protection and allows for future tax
physicians in their practices.                                         planning. The right federal taxable entity for your practice can help
                                                                       avoid payroll taxes. Tracking provider performance and clearly estab-
# 1 Putting the wrong people in place                                  lishing compensation goals can create motivation and reward. With
  A medical practice deals with many different insurers with their     the low interest rates, financing your life insurance premiums and
                                                                       using the arbitrage makes sense. Don’t operate on a handshake; doc-
own codes and rules. Billing and coding errors can quickly be the      ument all agreements with fellow partners and employees.
downfall of a practice. With the government stepping up fraud
abuse audits, hiring an expert billing assistant can be crucial. Your  # 3 Not paying attention to the numbers
spouse, cousin, best friend, etc. may seem like a good way to avoid      Accountants prepare financial statements all day long that doctors
theft and give you an assurance in dealing with someone you are
comfortable with, but does this person know health information         do not look at or understand. These financial statements, if timely
technology or accounting so that you get timely and accurate in-       prepared with comparison to similar prior periods, can identify ex-
formation on how your practice is doing? Placing too much re-          cessive expenses, declining collections, etc. The data can also help the
sponsibility and reliance on one person can also be a problem.         doctors anticipate future income tax payments that are looming and
Embezzlement occurs too often in medical practices. Establish in-      therefore budget for them. Doctors do not have time to learn how
ternal controls to safeguard cash in and out. You invest much time     to interpret financial data, and they tend to not ask for help. Get
and cost into your staff. Hire well.                                   your accountant to sit with you and explain what the financial state-
                                                                       ments mean and how you should use that information. If you have

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