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                                                                          On Jan. 17-19, 1853, 35 physi-
                                                                          cians from the surrounding
                                                                          communities met at the
                                                                          Methodist Church in Austin to
                                                                          found and organize the Texas
                                                                          Medical Association.

                                        By J.J. Waller Jr., MD

  In January of 1853, a group of physicians from mainly Austin and          In 1853, San Antonio was a small village of about 3,000 inhabi-
San Antonio met to form a medical organization. A constitution and        tants. The surrounding area was wild and uninhabited. Indian raids
bylaws were proposed and discussed. The first regular meeting of the      were frequent and occasionally reached into the center of town. At
Texas State Medical Association was held in San Antonio in early          the start, Medical Society meetings were held once a month. Each
September 1853. The constitution and bylaws were accepted and             man attending carried a sidearm (see previous article). It was
subordinate local organizations were proposed. The first to receive a     recorded that at meetings all sidearms were required to be checked
charter in the state was Bexar County in late September 1853. It was      at the door until the meeting was complete.
to be known as the Bexar Medical Society and the first president of
both the state and Bexar county group was Dr. George Cupples. The           Due to various impediments (including primarily the Civil War),
original certificate resides in the offices of the Medical Society. Dur-  the Texas State Medical Association did not have regular meetings
ing the 1870s through the 1880s and 1890s, the certificate was kept       again until 1869. For the next several years after that, meetings were
in the offices of Dr. Frank Paschal until the Society finally secured a   occasionally held in various towns around Texas with as few as seven
“home” of its own. In the early 20th century, it was transferred to       members attending at a time. There are no surviving records of any
the Society offices for safekeeping.                                      meetings of the local society that may have been held by the Bexar
                                                                          Medical Society during this period.

24 San Antonio Medicine • January 2016
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