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The following are some notices that
appeared in the newspapers about
various treatments:

  COUGH DROPS — Take tincture of
blood-root, a syrup of pocacuanchia, syrup of squils, tinc-
ture of balsam tolu, and paregoric, and each of one ounce
mix. Use in severe coughs from colds; it is a valuable mixture.
Half of one drachm whenever the cough is severe.
This appeared in the San Antonio Ledger of May 27, 1852.

  Another notice in the newspaper to cure hoarseness:
  CURE HOARSENESS — Take the white of two eggs and beat them with two
teaspoons of white sugar, grate in a little nutmeg, then add a pint of lukewarm water. Stir
well and drink often. Repeat the prescription as necessary and it will cure the most obstinate case of
hoarseness. This appeared in the San Antonio Daily Herald of July 23, 1853.

  Another notice is the treatment of asthma:
  REMEDY FOR ASTHMA — An individual who has suffered from asthma and who has vain sought relief should give concern to
the following remedy: “Procure common blotting paper, and thoroughly saturate it in a solution of nitre, (saltpeter,) and let it be
carefully dried by the fire, or by exposure to the rays of the sun. On retiring at night, ignite it, and deposit it, burning, on a plate or
square sheet of zinc or iron in your bedroom. This appeared in the San Antonio Daily Herald, January 28, 1858.

  For most of the century, doctors who came to Texas were trained     of Health in Texas was formed near Houston. However, the next
elsewhere, since Texas was behind many states in the establishment    year the second Board of Health, much more productive, was
of medical schools. Graduates of medical schools had to compete       formed in San Antonio.
with the graduates of diploma schools that would give anyone with
$50 to spare a diploma. The New York Medical College of San             The physicians of the 19th century faced many hardships and
Antonio was an embarrassment to all physicians. They awarded a        tribulations, and they practiced medicine to the best of their
diploma when the teaching staff consisted of a doctor, his wife,      ability. Despite obstructions, they made great progress in the
and his 6-year-old child who were listed as the faculty. The Galve-   last few decades of the century. Literature is brimming with in-
ston Medical College was established in 1865 and eventually be-       formation about our early practitioners, their lives, and their
came the University of Texas Medical School.                          accomplishments. Presented here is only the briefest glimpse
                                                                      into that rugged era.
  During the days of the Republic, Dr. Anson Jones, as president,
instituted legislation for the control of physicians. It was finally                 J.J.Waller Jr., MD, is a member of the
passed the second time on Dec. 14, 1837, establishing a Board of                     BCMS Communications/Publications Committee.
Medical Censors and outlining requirements for the licensing of
physicians, including a fee of $20 by the applicant. The first Board

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