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Non-Traditional Medical Students

at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio

                                                   By Francisco González-Scarano, MD

  Over the past several decades there have been many changes in         rather than only academic considerations. In light of this, med-
the training of physicians, from adjustments in the curriculum          ical colleges are encouraged to evaluate candidates according to
to diminution in the work hours of residents and other post grad-       the AAMC Experiences-Attributes-Metrics Model, which ascer-
uate trainees. One of them we are proud to embrace has been             tains in an individualized way how an applicant is likely to con-
the admission and encouragement of non-traditional medical stu-         tribute both during and after medical school. Along with
dents.                                                                  academic metrics, these give a balanced consideration to experi-
                                                                        ences such as leadership roles, life experiences and community
  First, let us define what we consider to be non-traditional. The      service, as well as attributes that include ethnicity, languages spo-
traditional route to medical school takes a student from a bach-        ken, and faith.
elor’s degree with completion of premedical requirements and ap-
propriate testing such as the MCAT to immediate admission to              I am proud of our record of attracting and supporting non-tra-
the first year of medical school. Non-traditional students take a       ditional medical students. This is a commitment we proudly con-
different path. Some return to school to complete premedical re-        tinue. In fact, nearly 60 percent of last year’s incoming class of
quirements not fulfilled during the undergraduate years. Others         medical students started one or more years after attaining their
delay medical school for personal or professional motives, such         original degree. This number is not not dissimilar to that of other
as supporting a spouse’s career or raising children. Some students      schools of medicine.
enter medical school after a time in another endeavor – some as
dentists, nurses, PAs, or other medical professionals; others as          For us, the question is not how soon after a bachelor’s degree a
lawyers, businesspeople, or members of the military.                    candidate enters UT School of Medicine at San Antonio.
                                                                        Whether an applicant comes straightaway, after a year, or after
  The medical educational system recognizes that non-traditional        decades, we pose the same question: How was the intervening
students bring their own benefits to the school experience and to       time used? In our admissions process, we take a highly individ-
the wider world of medicine. Older and more-experienced, they           ualized approach to each application. How students spent those
are sometimes seen as especially diligent and disciplined. They         years varies from person to person, but their diverse experiences
can display a savvy understanding of the way the “real world”           tend to benefit each one individually, as well as the class as a
works, a sophisticated ability to cooperate, novel approaches to        whole.
problem solving, and a well-developed sense of compassion. In
sum, non-traditional students possess unique blends of imagina-           While non-traditional students offer a great deal, they may also
tion, life skills, and cultural and relational insight that can profit  require extra support. In light of that, we offer a Pre-Matricula-
their fellow students, the larger medical community, and most           tion Program that is specifically targeted to those who are not ar-
importantly, our patients.                                              riving directly from an academic environment, were non-science
                                                                        majors, or feel anxious about medical school. It provides extra
  Medical schools have embraced this way of thinking. In 2007,          help in the transition to a new academic, environmental, and so-
the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) estab-              cial setting, and is only one of the ways that we prepare our non-
lished the Advancing Holistic Review Initiative with the aim of         traditional students for future success.
helping medical schools attain diversity goals through admissions
techniques. Since then, its mandate has widened, but a key ad-            I am extremely proud of the non-traditional students who are
missions focus remains taking account of the whole applicant,           currently excelling in our program. They bring a wealth of skill,
                                                                        perspective, and imagination to our educational experience. I

26 San Antonio Medicine • February 2016
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