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BMW 640i BySteveSchutz,MD

  This is a strange time. Regular gas goes for  belched out clouds of toxic fumes that were       bocharger (or two or three or more) in five
about $1.40 per gallon in San Antonio,          an assault on every sense. Those days are to-     years.
which translates to roughly 80 cents in 1990    tally over as all new vehicles routinely drive
money, yet automobile manufacturers are         through places where what comes out of              Cue the BMW 640i, a turbo-six cylinder
doing everything they can to get their vehi-    their tailpipes is cleaner than the ambient air.  luxury grand tourer that until recently was
cles to use less and less fuel. Why?            A recent study found that a           only available with a V8 engine in the U.S.
                                                Ford F-150 had to drive a startling 3,800         (As noted below, it can still be ordered with
  Part of the reason is the reality of product  miles before it produced the same pollution       a V8.) Based on the superb 5-series sedan
development times — it takes a minimum          as a standard gas-powered leaf blower did in      platform, the “6” comes in coupe, convert-
of three years from green light to launch       30 minutes. Modern cars are very clean.           ible, or four-door Gran Coupe versions. I re-
when a new vehicle is created, and even                                                           cently tested the coupe.
longer if a new engine is involved. And three     Nevertheless, they’re getting even cleaner,
years ago regular gas in San Antonio went       and a lot of the credit for that goes to count-     The exterior design of the 640i coupe is
for $3.40, more than twice what it is today.    less engineers who somehow make each              typical contemporary BMW, which is to say
Plus there’s the reality of ever-increasing     year’s automotive propulsion systems cleaner      sleek and modern, but completely inoffen-
emissions requirements, which compel au-        than the one the year before. The latest path     sive. Ten to 15 years ago, the company was
tomakers to produce cars and light trucks       to lower emissions involves turbocharging,        widely criticized for styling that was consid-
that emit almost no pollution.                  and this change has proved to be so effective     ered too avant-garde, and in response BMW
                                                that I can’t imagine any diesel or gas powered    has made all of their non-electric vehicles
  A quick aside: when I was a child in the      internal combustion engine won’t have a tur-      look almost anonymous. Whether that’s a
late 1960s and early ‘70s, cars routinely                                                         good or bad thing depends on your point of

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