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                                                                                                      DEAN’S MESSAGE

                                                                         formation or to refer a patient please call the CTRC clinical study
                                                                         line at 210-450-5798.

explaining. It also includes “Panorama”, a restaurant with great views   pediatric tumors and Lymphoma
of the city and northern hills, to serve faculty, staff and students of    The new clinical trial with the drug atezolizumab will be offered
the Health Science Center and their guests.
                                                                         to children ages 2 to 17 and young adults up to age 30 who have
  We were honored to welcome San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor, and           pediatric cancers. The focus will be on solid tumors and two types
Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff at the dedication. Sara Martinez         of lymphomas (Hodgkin lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin lym-
Tucker, a member of The University of Texas System Board of Re-          phoma).
gents, accepted the building on behalf of the Regents and ceremo-
nially turned it over to UT Health Science Center President William        Based on results from several clinical trials in adults, the U.S. Food
Henrich, MD.                                                             and Drug Administration in February granted Breakthrough Ther-
                                                                         apy Designation for atezolizumab for treating non-small cell lung
First in U.S. Cancer trials                                              cancer in adults. Atezolizumab also has shown good results against
  We currently have two very significant cancer trials for which we      a type of bladder cancer called metastatic urothelial carcinoma. The
                                                                         drug is also being tested with numerous other types of cancer in
are the first-in-human study site in the United States. One is for       adults. This trial is “A Single-Arm Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tol-
adult brain tumors and the other for pediatric solid tumors and lym-     erability, Pharmacokinetics, Immunogenicity, and Preliminary Ef-
phoma. These trials are very recent innovations and actively seeking     ficacy of MPDL3280A (Anti-PD-L1 Antibody) in Pediatric and
new patients. A brief description of each is below. Please contact the   Young Adult Participants With Solid Tumors.” For more informa-
research team if you would like to learn more or refer a patient.        tion on eligibility and how to participate, contact Virginia Diaz
                                                                         at or 210-562-9149.
Adult Glioblastoma
  The technology, developed at the Cancer Therapy & Research             rare & historical Anatomy Book display –
                                                                         April 12, 3-6pm
Center (CTRC), uses tiny radioactive liposomes (fat particles 100
nanometers in diameter), inserted by catheter directly into a tumor,       Our P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library will be holding an ex-
confining their radiation to the tumor tissue only.                      hibit of rare and historical anatomy texts. View a first edition of De
                                                                         Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, by Andreas Vesalius, pub-
  The trial is protocol number HSC20140450X; Title: “A Dual              lished in 1543, and a 1481 edition of De Medicina by Aulus Cor-
Phase 1/2, Investigator Initiated Study to Determine the Maximum         nelius Celsus, the Nixon Library’s oldest book. The display is open
Tolerated Dose, Safety, and Efficacy of Rhenium Nanoliposomes            to the public.
(RNL) in Recurrent Glioblastoma (CTRC# 12-02).” For more in-
                                                                         Featured Speaker

                                                                         New York Times best-selling author, Damon Tweedy, M.D., will

                                                                         talk about his book “Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Re-

                                                                         flections on Race and Medicine”, Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in the

                                                                         Holly Auditorium. Dr. Tweedy is a graduate of the Duke University

                                                                         Medical School as well as Yale Law School. He is an assistant pro-

                                                                         fessor of psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center and a staff

                                                                         physician at the Durham VA Medical Center. His book was selected

                                                                         as one of TIME Magazine’s top 10 non-fiction books of 2015. Pres-

                                                                         entation begins at 12 noon followed by a 1 p.m. reception and book-

                                                                         signing. Presented as part of the Frank Bryant Jr., M.D., Memorial

                                                                         Lectures in Medical Ethics.

                                                                                                      continued on page 44

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