Page 24 - Layout 1
P. 24

TRANSPLANTS                           Figure 3

 continued from page 22

program to begin in 2008.
  The KPD program at MSTH has

been directed by Adam Bingamin, MD,
PhD. Cathi Murphy, PhD, who is lab-
oratory director for Southwest Immun-
odiagnostics, has been an essential part
of the program providing computer and
histocompatibility services at a very so-
phisticated level. KPD exchanges may
use up to six operating rooms and sur-
gical teams running simultaneously and
support from the transplant surgery and
nephrology staff at MSTH along with
consultants, nurses and administration
has been essential. Of course it would
not be possible without the support and
consent of the real heroes: the living
kidney donors and their recipients.

24 San Antonio Medicine • April 2016
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