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business itself is shut down due to some minor calamity. If, how- These explanations
ever, the business is open (perhaps even despite the freak snow- are just to get you
storm), the employee has to decide whether to work or not. If started. Each sit-
the employee reports for work, there’s no problem. Business as uation can be
usual. If the employee opts to stay home, the employer may different, in
deduct the day from the employee’s pay provided the employee which case any
doesn’t do any work that day. If the employee just works for a decent labor
few minutes, however, even if remotely via the computer, the em- law attorney
ployee can’t be docked. can advise you.
But at least you’ll
NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES start the conversation
Non-exempt employees are typically the folks who receive an with a leg up when you
know these basic rules.
hourly rate for their work. In that case, the employee is only en-
titled to be paid for the time he/she actually works. Whether the George F. “Rick” Evans Jr., is the founding part-
office is open or closed makes no difference. Typically, the em- ner of Evans, Rowe & Holbrook. A graduate of
ployer only has to pay for actual hours worked. Even if the boss Marshall College of Law, his practice for 36 years
decides to shut down the office early so employees can get home has been exclusively dedicated to the representation
before the rain, snow or sleet arrives, the non-exempt employee of physicians and other healthcare providers. Mr. Evans is the
is only entitled to pay for the actual hours worked before the office BCMS general counsel.
shut down.
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