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Volkswagen Tiguan
     By Steve Schutz, MD

  The past few years have been difficult for   SUVs, products that VW didn’t really offer.       they already sell - like the compact Tiguan
Volkswagen. Life was good for the German       (Cheaper fuel prices obviously accelerated        crossover. Similar in size to the Escape, the
automaker from 2009 to 2012, thanks to a       that trend.)                                      Tiguan has had limited success in our mar-
new factory in Chattanooga, Tenn., and                                                           ket due primarily to its price-size ratio,
American-ized Jetta and Passat sedans.           I also think that Volkswagen wasn’t helped      which has been too high. Predictably, Volk-
Sales doubled during that time and there       by the fact that Audi dealers, with all of their  swagen has been focusing its attention on
was good reason to think they’d keep grow-     cool new products, usually sit right next to      that area and now the Tiguan offers more
ing. But that’s not what happened. Instead,    VW stores. How many buyers walked onto            aggressive pricing as well as better financing
VW brand sales have tanked in recent           a VW showroom looking for a Passat and            and leasing deals. (As always, Phil Horn-
years, and they’re only just now starting to   drove out with an Audi Q5? I have no way          beak has the latest on that.)
rebound.                                       of knowing, but I’ll bet the number is a lot
                                               bigger than zero. And a lot bigger than Volk-       The Tiguan is not new. It debuted in the
  What happened? My sense is that under-       swagen would be willing to admit.                 U.S. in 2009 and is due to be replaced in a
stated sedans like the Jetta and Passat were                                                     year or two, but with more aggressive pricing
perfect for the Great Recession, but once the    To turn things around VW is developing          is worthy of consideration. While the design
economy rebounded buyers were more inter-      a new slate of crossovers - think Honda           was unassuming six years ago and virtually
ested in luxury vehicles, crossovers, and      HRV, Ford Escape, and Toyota Highlander           invisible now, it is not ugly. But it is a re-
                                               fighters - and re-focusing on the vehicles

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