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Mercedes S550:

 All about the tech

                                     By Steve Schutz, MD

  The new Mercedes flagship S-class sedan,      center console. I actually checked these out      rapid cooling on sweltering days. Massag-
the S550, is one of the best cars for sale      and changed them a few times. It was in-          ing seats aren’t new, but Mercedes’ “hot-
today, but it’s not wrong to say that the       teresting for a minute, and one or two color      stone massage” feature feels as if
S550 is all about the tech. The S550 looks      options seems fine. But seven? In a car?          somebody’s gently nudging your back with
like an alpha car and has an interior like the                                                    warm golf balls. I loved this gizmo and used
Four Seasons. But it’s the technology that      UNUSUAL TWISTS ON OPTIONS                         it frequently. And the super soft pillows on
sets it apart.                                    Then there’s the “Magic Vision Control”         the headrests of the two optional “execu-
                                                                                                  tive” rear chairs are much softer than any
  What kind of technology are we talking        that uses nozzles to squirt washer fluid di-      others on the market (regrettably, my test
about? Some of it is completely new and all-    rectly in front of the wiper blades so that       car didn’t have these.) Also, presumably
world, though it should be noted that most      your vision isn’t momentarily obstructed by       with South Texas in mind, Mercedes says
of the coolest goodies are optional.            a big splash of fluid like it is in lesser cars.  that the S-class’ new air conditioner is extra
                                                I like this feature a lot, but doesn’t it seem    powerful — the strongest available, in fact.
  Let’s start with a few unusual features       like its name was chosen in a Stuttgart bar
that aren’t options. The new S-class has two    at 2 a.m.?                                          Still not impressed? Buyers who enjoy
reverse gears. Probably only chauffeurs who                                                       constant olfactory stimulation will love the
need to worry about kidnappers care about         Mercedes also has added unusual twists          “Air-Balance” system, which perfumes the
this, but it’s nice to know it’s there just in  on options that we thought we knew. Like          cabin with your choice of pleasing scents,
case. There are seven interior mood-light-      seat coolers that suck air in for four min-       “a world first,” apparently.
ing colors, which can be switched easily by     utes before they blow cool air out, which,
using the COMAND controller on the              Mercedes engineers say, results in more             Perhaps the S-class’s most high-tech fea-

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