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                                                      CURED  that,” he said. “It eats like butter and looks                     on a saltine or a po-boy. If the name gives
                                                             like icing. I spread it on cornbread but I’ve                      you pause, here’s the chef speaking in terms
learning the restaurant ropes in New Orleans                 seen people put the whipped pork butter on                         we Texans can understand: “It’s bursting with
working with John Besh for 10 years, Steve                   a sausage. “There’s no wrong way to eat it.”                       flavors and textures and it’s like the best bar-
McHugh relocated in 2010 to run a new               | 210.314.3929                                    bacoa that you’ve ever had.”
eatery for the acclaimed chef in San Antonio.                                                                          | 210.227.5853
Around the same time, he was diagnosed                                                                                    LUKE
with lymphoma. He calls the move                                                                                                SALT & TIME
“serendipitous — because I couldn’t get the                  LÜKE
care I needed back in New Orleans.”                                                                                             Photography by ROBERT LEMA
                                                             Photography courtesy of BESH RESTAURANT                              Sometimes you don’t have to pick between
  He went through treatments of chemother-                   GROUP
apy, got cured and then got Cured.                                                                                              quality and quantity — at Salt & Time, you
                                                               At Lüke San Antonio, the recipes have                           get both. This capital city lunch-and-dinner
  “When you have that kind of scare in your                  been around the world, but the food is from                        spot is also a full-service retail butcher that
life, you reevaluate,” he said. “My wife and I               right here. “It’s the food of the Alsace region                    an produce 80 to 100 different types of char-
decided to do something on our own. Some-                    of France and Germany mixed with Texas in-                         cuterie items, with 40 to 50 of those available
times things like that jumpstart you.”                       gredients and a whole scoop of New Or-                             on any given day.
                                                             leans,” said executive chef John Russ. “Out
  Since December of last year McHugh’s                       of all the menu items, 100 percent of that                           “We do a lot of things but try to do them
been making what he calls “the best ham                      plate comes from within 65 miles from us —                         all well,” co-owner Ben Runkle said humbly.
you’ll find in San Antonio,” plus blood                      with the exception of the glass of the plate.”
sausage, braised kidneys, a super-popular                                                                                         Order a salumi board to sample a variety
smoked duck ham, bresaola and more in a                        Whole animals are transformed into                               of meats or try putting charcuterie to use an-
giant custom-built curing case that greets                   pancetta, ham and sausage, and sometimes                           other way: as a component of entrees like
customers as they step through the door. The                 the process takes up to a year. “It’s so fun be-                   pastas or sandwiches. Runkle suggests adding
seasons dictate the daily changes in the                     cause we can show people the product at dif-                       coppa, which is cured pork shoulder, to ri-
Southern-style menu, which features charcu-                  ferent stages,” Russ said. “We’re not buying                       cotta gnocchi or slathering spicy, spreadable
terie made from all parts of a hog because,                  a Cryovaced product and opening it up. We                          salami called n’duja tejano to your burger.
McHugh said, “there’s no such thing as a                     buy it from producers and let it hang and
pork belly farm.”                                            cure it.”                                                            Hankering for those Texas flavors? Salt &
                                                                                                                                Time uses classic techniques to create cured
  As Cured’s curator, McHugh creates his                       A selection of about five charcuterie items                      meats with a local flavor profile. Try the
charcuterie boards as a mix of animals —                     varies, but two constants are a pâté de cam-                       pecan-studded salami or the salami flavored
from a lamb-and-citrus terrine to venison to                 pagne of pork shoulder and a chicken and                           with chili pequin and Mexican oregano.
a “very approachable” chicken liver mousse                   rabbit liver mousse (“earthy, buttery and                 | (512) 524-1383
— plus housemade brewer’s crackers flavored                  spreads so nicely on toast,” Russ raves). A
with coriander and cumin, mustard, mar-                      wintertime special is hog’s head cheese, a                                                                           SALT & TIME
malades and pickles of cucumbers, broccoli,                  semigelatinous forcemeat that’s great spread
cauliflower, pumpkin and more. One of the
chef/owner’s favorite items? Whipped pork
butter. “I don’t know of anyone who is doing

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