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                                            Medical students,
                                            residents increase

                                            BCMSinvolvement in

                                            By James L. Humphreys, MD
                                            2015 BCMS President

  Thinking back over the last year, I ap-   or TMA committee until I was out of res-     does and am more than happy to show
preciate all of the many good things that   idency and in regular practice. Given        off their students and residents in the
Dr. K. Ashok Kumar achieved as last         where I am now, I look back on those         local community and at TMA and
year’s BCMS president. I feel his greatest  times and think sadly about what a waste     BCMS events.
success in the office was raising the in-   that was and all of the opportunities to
volvement of medical students and resi-     meet other doctors and make important          In the past, student participation in
dents from the University of Texas Health   connections that I let go by. I suppose I    First Tuesdays at the Capitol has included
Science Center San Antonio to unprece-      can say that at least I caught on to the     an occasional student accompanying us
dented levels within BCMS. Students         value of being involved at some point,       for legislative visits. This year, the Health
and residents participated in every med-    and my professional life has been made       Science Center organized a group of stu-
ical society committee, and it was won-     exponentially richer because of it.          dents to attend the first First Tuesday event
derful to see them stepping up to help                                                   in February, and I couldn’t have been hap-
shape policies and work through issues.       Because of that, I am especially happy     pier to have them. Usually UTMB, Texas
                                            to have had so much participation over       Tech and Texas A&M medical schools are
  I am delighted that these young physi-    the last year by these doctors at the very   the only ones in the state to have a real stu-
cians are not making the same mistake I     start of their careers. If they can main-    dent presence at any of the First Tuesdays.
made when I was in their shoes in the       tain that interest, they will reap the ben-  It is about time that changed! I urge all of
(increasingly distant) past. I joined the   efits much faster than I was able to. I      our members to encourage the students
BCMS as a medical student years ago and     was a product of the Health Science          and residents, and welcome them whole-
then promptly ignored that membership       Center both for medical school and res-      heartedly to our ranks.
until I was out of residency. I never went  idency and was well-served by the edu-
to a society function in those years and    cation I received there. I am proud of         James L. Humphreys, MD, is the 2015
certainly never participated in a BCMS      the work that the Health Science Center      president of BCMS. He is a pathologist
                                                                                         with Precision Pathology in San Antonio.

8 San Antonio Medicine • March 2015
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