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helped me decide which kind of environ-           “I feel that this internship experience has        BCMS Mentoring Initiative
ment I wish to work on.” – Itzelth Gonzalez     fortified my decision to pursue a career in         links physicians with medical
                                                the medical field. It exposed me to a variety       students, residents, fellows
  “With the help of St. Mary’s, I was able      of aspects of the medical field that I wasn’t
to get a more in-depth view of what being       aware of.” – Liliana Espinoza                        The Bexar County Medical Society Men-
an OB/GYN is all about. My mentor is                                                               toring Initiative was launched in May to pro-
amazing! She explains in detail what every-       If you are interested in being a physician       vide local physicians with a personalized and
thing is, and she is always so full of energy.  mentor for this course, please contact An-         customizable approach to training medical
I can honestly see myself being a great physi-  nette Gutierrez at agutierrez56@                   students, residents and fellows.
cian like she is. My educational goals are to or 210-436-3611.
successfully obtain a bachelor of science in                                                         Members can choose to work with
biology and a bachelor of arts in chemistry.”     Lori Boies, PhD, is an instructor at St.         trainees according to their interests and
– Nancy Garcia                                  Mary’s University in the department of biolog-     time, whether that means answering ques-
                                                ical sciences. She is married to BCMS member       tions, going out for a meal, or providing
  “My internship experience has exposed me      Brian Boies, MD, who is an anesthesiologist        shadowing opportunities. BCMS members
to the field of medicine and allowed me to      and pain medicine physician at UTHSCSA.            can be a part of the initial stages of the
spend some days in a doctor’s shoes. It con-    Lori is an active member of the TMA Alliance       Mentoring Initiative in three ways: com-
firmed my love for the field and motivated      and BCMS Alliance.                                 municating with trainees via e-mail or tele-
me to continue the path I have chosen.” —                                                          phone, meeting trainees for coffee or a
Edith Torres                                      Annette Gutierrez, MEd, serves as the pre-       meal, and providing shadowing opportu-
                                                health professions advisor at St. Mary’s Uni-      nities.
  “This experience has expanded my knowl-       versity. In her first year of service, she taught
edge of the various fields within healthcare,   and helped to coordinate the internship course.      The Mentoring Initiative is open to all
which has motivated me to continue.” –                                                             BCMS members. For more information,
Jesus Bocanegra                                                                                    contact BCMS membership director Brissa
                                                                                                   Vela by email at or
                                                                                                   at 210-301-4371.

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