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Porsche Macan:

 Compact SUV moves crisply, offers intuitive user interface

   By Steve Schutz, MD

  After Volkswagen bought Porsche three          years ago, Porsche endured derision and con-      able 47,007 cars and SUVs compared with
years ago, I predicted that executives in        tempt from many enthusiasts, including me,        Jaguar’s 15,773 cars. Given that reality, it’s
charge of those myriad VW-owned brands           when they launched their first SUV, the           no surprise that Jaguar just announced the
— Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, et al —            Cayenne. I applauded Jaguar, who responded        development of its first SUV. It would appear
would create a new Porsche based on the          to the idea of their own SUV by stating pub-      that going where your customers want you
Audi Q5 platform. While my automotive            licly that they would sell only cars, and I qui-  to go is a good strategy.
clairvoyance has been spotty over the years,     etly hoped the Cayenne would die. But sales
this prediction proved correct, and now we       figures say that Porsche was right, and Jaguar    HANDSOME AS ROB LOWE
have the impressive Porsche Macan, just in-      and I were wrong. While in 2000 Porsche             On to the Macan, which, while being a
troduced last year, to enjoy.                    sold 22,410 cars in the United States com-
                                                 pared with 43,728 Jaguars, in 2014 the story      compact SUV like the Q5, looks a lot like its
  I’ve told this story before, but it bears re-  was reversed, with Porsche selling a remark-      big brother, the Cayenne. In fact, the profiles
peating as we examine the Macan. Twelve                                                            are so similar you’d be forgiven for not being

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