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The automotive industry is global now, recently. While the
and China’s influence will only grow for the CTS drove like a
foreseeable future, so expect upcoming lux- hungry challenger
ury vehicles to include rounded bodywork, dying to take on
lots of chrome and extra space in the rear the champ, the 5
passenger area. seemed slightly
The last CTS had a tasteful and er- flabby in compari-
gonomic interior that was let down only son. I don’t want
by the occasional sub-par bit of plastic here to overstate this —
and there. GM has seen to it that the new the BMW 5-series
one has no more material disappointments is a wonderful car
— everything you see and touch looks and — but the CTS is
feels as good as an Audi — but some will a delight to drive,
find fault with the ergonomics. Yes, I'm which is very cool
looking at you, CUE (Cadillac User Expe- for an American
rience). CUE centralizes audio, climate product.
and SatNav functions in a central screen
with touch controls, and once you get to MORE CONFIGURATIONS best car. Every bit as good as the BMW 5-se-
know it, it's easy to master. But many The base CTS comes with a new and very ries and Mercedes E-class, the CTS has
functions such as the volume and temper- zeitgeisty twin turbo 4-cylinder engine that everything a buyer in this segment would
ature controls would be better if they had makes 272 HP channeled through an 8- want, including a modern design, sumptu-
simple knobs. speed automatic transmission; the V6 version ous interior and excellent driving experience.
Having said all that, using the excellent gets you 321 HP, and the most powerful Like Audi, Cadillac is now for real.
voice activation system enabled me to do CTS, the V-sport, features a 420 HP turbo
most of what I wanted to without taking my V6. The CTS-V is not available yet, but it’s Steve Schutz, MD, is a
eyes off the road, and the system is undeni- expected sometime in the next year or so and board-certified gastroenterol-
ably attractive, visually. will likely have a turbocharged V8 with more ogist who lived in San Anto-
It's hard to criticize the driving experi- than 500 HP. nio in the 1990s when he
ence, particularly when you're in a hurry The new CTS is available in many more was stationed here in the
on a challenging road. The CTS handles configurations than before, so you will need U.S. Air Force. He has been
crisply with almost no understeer or wal- to call Phil Hornbeak (see information writing auto reviews for San Antonio Medicine
lowing, so it's easy to forget that you're below) for specific details before you make since 1995.
driving a sedan that's just over 16 feet long any big decisions. For more information on the BCMS
and weighs 3,615 pounds. Surprisingly, the Cadillac is now a legitimate global luxury Auto Program, call Phil Hornbeak at 301-
CTS felt sharper than the 5-series I drove automotive brand, and the new CTS is their 4367 or visit
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