It is time to nominate physicians
to serve in
leadership positions of the
Bexar County Medical Society in
Nomination Deadline - 5
p.m., JULY 13, 2016.
accordance with Chapter 8, Section 8.31, of the Bylaws of the Bexar
County Medical Society, "Each member shall have the
opportunity to correspond in writing for the purpose of submitting
nominations to the Nominating Committee. Nominations shall . . .
reflect nomineefs character, integrity, attributes, and
qualifications for the position."
The BCMS is calling for
written nominations for the following
positions with terms
beginning in 2017:
President-elect – assists
President; is ex-officio member of all boards and committees; and
becomes acquainted with all matters pertaining to work and affairs of
the Society to properly prepare for office of President, which office
is automatically assumed at expiration of one-year term as
President-elect. President-elect shall have been a member of BCMS for
minimum of five years.
Vice President – assists
President; presides in Presidentfs absence; and, on Presidentfs
death, resignation or removal, succeeds to presidency. Term of office
shall be one year; tenure of office shall not exceed one term – shall
have been a member of BCMS for minimum of five years.
Secretary – makes certain
adequate records of meetings of Society and Board of Directors are
maintained; is responsible for such records and reports as may be
required by Board of Directors or Bylaws of Society or TMA. Term of
office shall be one year; tenure of office shall not exceed two terms
– shall have been a member of BCMS for minimum of two years.
Treasurer – makes regular
reports to Board of Directors on financial status of Society. Term of
office shall be one year; tenure of office shall not exceed two terms
– shall have been a member of BCMS for minimum of two years.
Director – 3 at-large
positions – establishes and implements policies of Society; acts upon
applications for membership upon recommendation from Board of
Censors; conducts disciplinary hearings as prescribed by Hearings
Procedures Manual; is responsible for long-range planning;
decides all questions not specifically delegated to other
authorities. Meetings are held a minimum of six times per year – term
of office shall be three years; tenure of office shall not exceed two
Member Board of Censors – 2
positions – supervises medical ethics of membership and counsels
individual members where circumstances warrant; examines applicants
for membership; investigates suspected violations of code of conduct
and prefers charges when indicated; receives investigative charges of
unethical conduct made against Society members by another member;
and, upon request, reviews findings of Board of Mediations and makes
proper disposition of each case. Meets monthly – term of office shall
be three years – shall have been a member of BCMS for minimum of ten
Member Board of Mediations
– 5 positions – receives, investigates, and mediates complaints from
patients or insurance companies brought against member of Society;
hears matters of unprofessional conduct, violations of principles of
medical ethics or any other matter involving patient/physician
relationship; hears and/or reviews insurance complaints; investigates
and supervises ethical deportment of membership and receives
complaints from general public. Meets monthly – term of office shall
be three years – shall have been a member of BCMS for minimum of ten
Delegate/Alternate Delegate to TMA
– 30 positions – studies needs and desires of medical profession in
Bexar County in its relation to state and national associations to
effectively and intelligently represent the membership of Society in
TMA House of Delegates (two meetings a year). Meets at least four
times a year in San Antonio – term of office shall be two years.
Member Nominating Committee
– 2 positions – studies the challenges and leadership requirements of
the organization. The committee will commence its functions from
January 1 of each year. Meetings of the committee shall be held at
least two times a year and as often as necessary – term of office is
one year. Members of the committee will not seek an elected position
(other than Delegate or Alternate Delegate) in the Society.
seriously consider getting involved with the leadership of BCMS;
donft leave it to someone else to watch out for the practice of
medicine. Below, please indicate which position you are interested in
running for or for which you are nominating a colleague. If you are
nominating yourself or someone else please indicate below. Thank you!
Your Name:
Nominating Self:
Name of Person You are
must be submitted in writing via email, fax, or mail.
will be required from all nominees.
here for an online nomination form.
Or Mail to:
Bexar County Medical Society
Attn: Nominating Committee
P.O. Box 781145, San Antonio, TX 78278
or by email to bcms@bcms.org or fax to (210) 301-2150
Nomination Deadline - 5
p.m., JULY 13, 2016.