Nov. 22, 2015
Vol. 4, No. 63
rules for healthcare firm and against FTC on data breach case
A recent ruling against the Federal Trade Commission
might make it more difficult for the agency to bring and win cases
against healthcare companies involved in data breaches, legal experts
The FTC alleges that clinical testing laboratory LabMD harmed
consumers by using inadequate data security methods. An independent
FTC administrative law judge, however, ruled that the agency failed
to prove that harm. The judge dismissed the case.
The FTC first filed the complaint against LabMD in 2013 alleging that
poor security led to two breaches, including one in 2008 when
personal information was available on a peer-to-peer file-sharing
network. The second alleged incident occurred in 2012 when LabMD data
was found in the possession of individuals who pleaded "no
contest" to charges of identity theft.
Dr. John Hellerstedt Is
the New DSHS Commissioner
Austin pediatrician John Hellerstedt, MD, is returning
to state government as the new Texas health commissioner. He
will begin his new duties on Jan. 1, 2016.
Dr. Hellerstedt is the former state Medicaid director.
Before that, he spent 18 years with Austin Regional Clinic. He is
currently vice president of medical affairs for Dell Children's
Medical Center. The Texas Department of State Health Services has
been without a commissioner since David Lakey, MD, left in January.
Austin pediatrician Stephen Pont, MD, tweeted on Nov. 9,
"A big win
for kids and all Texans! Thanks and congrats, Dr.

From L-R Dr. Leah Jacobson, 2017
BCMS Elected President, Dr. Diana Burns-Banks, BCMS Past President
and Dr. Rajam Ramamurthy, BCMS Past President.
The Bexar County Medical Society held its 23rd Annual Women in
Medicine Event on Saturday, Nov. 1, 2015.
The Women In Medicine Committee honored Dr. Rajam
Ramamurthy and Dr. Diana Burns Banks and recognized their leadership
as the first two female past president leaders of the Bexar County
Medical Society.
Guests also enjoyed a fashion show sponsored by Dillard's
La Cantera. Female physicians and Circle of Friends sponsors
participated as fashion show models.
Dr. Jorge Alvarez performed as Sherlock Holmes - an
attendee favorite!
Special thanks go out to all of the sponsors and
shopping spree vendors.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the 24th
Annual Women in Medicine Event on Nov. 5, 2016.
esteemed colleagues!
As your incoming 2016 President of the Bexar County
Medical Society (BCMS), I would like to invite you to join me in
leading BCMS in 2016. Your participation is fundamental to the
well-being of the Society. The future of our Society resides on the
physicians that volunteer their time to make the BCMS committees
strong and vibrant!
Please take a moment to review the various BCMS
committees. There is something for everyone, and the stronger our
leaders, the more BCMS can accomplish!
- Communications/Publications:
Plans, facilitates and develops content for San Antonio Medicine
- Emergency Preparedness: Coordinates
physician participation with other San Antonio medical and
emergency organizations, and develops the processes to assist
physicians in preparing for significant, but unexpected,
emergency situations affecting the community.
- International Health:
Fosters ongoing sister-city relationships with Kumamoto, Japan;
Chennai, India; and Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
- Legislative/Socioeconomics:
Studies, recommends, monitors and engages in activities related
to the socioeconomic and legislative aspects of healthcare,
regulations and managed-care issues.
- Medical-Legal Liaison:
Maintains relationships between the legal/medical community and
adjudicates complaints between physicians and attorneys.
- Membership:
Works to build and retain membership for the society.
- Physician Health and
Rehabilitation: Advocacy group that identifies
and facilitates rehabilitation for physicians with alcohol
and/or drug impairment, through support and monitoring.
Committee prefers physicians with substance abuse-related
- Public Health and Patient Advocacy:
Evaluates and makes recommendations to the board and members
about public health issues affecting our community and patient
- Women in Medicine:
Facilitates the involvement of women physicians in all aspects
of society business and activities. Coordinates and arranges
sponsors for the annual Women in Medicine appreciation event.
If you would like to volunteer for a BCMS
committee and make a difference please click
here and indicate your choice(s) on the committee preference
form. (Note: the submit button is on the top left of the form). You
can also print the attached form and fax it to (210) 301-2150 by Nov.
16, 2016. Even if you decide at a later date that you have the time
or desire, volunteers are always welcome.
look forward to working with you in 2016! Together we make a
difference.If you have any questions or would like to discuss issues
you are facing or just want to talk to me, call me anytime at (210)
County Medical Society

Circle of Friends sponsors contribute $3,000
more to BCMS annually.
our sponsors; our sponsors support us!
you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This information is sent
on behalf of a valued sponsor, but it is not an endorsement.
Donations from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down the cost of
dues and allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service to its
members. The society continues its pledge to you and only will
involve itself in services and programs that benefit you, the member,
and your patient.
Bexar County
Medical Society
6243 I-10 West,
Suite 600
San Antonio, TX
Weekly Dose is a service of the
Bexar County Medical Society.
of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable to your practice
the goal is to offer information over time that returns value
excess of the cost of your membership.
you would like to recommend future topics to share with your colleagues,
rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
© 2015 Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.