
BCMS is in the news:
click here
to read about our new building.

Future BCMS home
Photos of the March 30
groundbreaking at the new BCMS
office building
will be in next Sunday's Weekly
Dose newsletter, on the BCMS website
later this week, and in the May issue of San
Antonio Medicine.

U.S. House of Representatives passes bill to repeal
SGR and extend funding for CHIP
Senate to take up bill upon return from Easter break
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
Chief Governmental and
Community Relations Officer
On a resounding 392-37 margin,
the U.S. House passed HR 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP
Reauthorization Act of 2015, last Thursday, March 26.
HR 2 would eliminate the Medicare
Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula immediately and extend
funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for two
years. The bill was sent to the Senate, but unfortunately,
the Senate adjourned for the two-week Easter recess, without
further action on this bill.
A big THANK YOU to all the BCMS
members who contacted their representatives in Congress to urge
their vote to pass this bill in the U.S. House. Thirty of
Texas' 36 members of the U.S. House voted for the measure.
President Obama has stated he
will sign the bill if it gets to his desk.
To read a statement from TMA
President Dr. Austin King, click here.
For local discussion on this and other legislative
advocacy topics, consider joining the BCMS Legislative and
Socioeconomics Committee by contacting Mary Nava.
BCMS General Membership Meeting
May 7
Security Service Federal Credit Union
corporate headquarters
16211 La Cantera Parkway
San Antonio 78256
sponsored by

Details coming soon!
Medical students observed Save GME Advocacy Week with
daily themes and activities this week. They invite medical society
physician-members to learn more about their efforts.
BCMS supports a Circle of Friends
sponsor at the platinum level
Platinum-level Circle of Friends sponsors contribute
or more to BCMS annually.
Thank you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This
information is sent on behalf of a valued sponsor at the platinum
level, but it is not an endorsement.
Donations from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down
the cost of dues and allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service
to its members.
The society continues its pledge to you and only will
involve itself in services and programs that benefit you, the member,
and your patients.
BCMS supports a Circle of Friends sponsor
To learn more, click here.
you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This information is sent on
behalf of a valued sponsor, but it is not an endorsement.
from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down the cost of dues and
allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service to its members.
society continues its pledge to you and only will involve itself in
services and programs that benefit you, the member, and your patients.
About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of
the Bexar County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable
to your practice today, but the goal is to offer information over
time that returns value in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share
with your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS Executive Director at steve.fitzer@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2015
Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.