The Mayor's
Fitness Council launched its Veg Out SA! campaign Feb. 24 to raise
awareness on the health benefits of consuming more fruits and
vegetables as part of a daily diet.
The campaign
includes a 30-day challenge beginning March 1.
A video of a TEDxSanAntonio Talk by Dr. Thomas Schlenker, director of
the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, entitled, "Getting
Serious About Diabesity," is available by clicking here.
Posters and
other Veg Out SA! marketing materials are available for free
download by clicking here.
Dual Eligibles Integrated Care Project launches March
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
Chief Governmental and Community Relations
Texas Health and Human Services
(HHSC) is rolling out the Dual Eligibles Integrated Care project
March 1 in six counties in Texas, including Bexar.
The project, a partnership
between HHSC and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS), is an effort to test a new initiative for coordinated care
of dual-eligible patients.
To read more about the
demonstration project and the criteria used to identify categories
of patients included in the project, as well as detailed plans for
passive enrollment, which begins April 1, click here.
For local discussion on this and other practice
management topics, consider joining the BCMS Legislative and
Socioeconomics Committee by contacting Mary Nava.
Circle of Friends sponsor at the gold level

To learn more, click image above
Gold-level Circle of Friends sponsors contribute $5,000
or more to BCMS annually.
Thank you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This
information is sent on behalf of a valued sponsor at the
gold level, but it is not an endorsement.
Donations from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down
the cost of dues and allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service
to its members.
The society continues its pledge to you and only will
involve itself in services and programs that benefit you, the member,
and your patients.
About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of
the Bexar County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable
to your practice today, but the goal is to offer information over
time that returns value in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share
with your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS Executive Director at steve.fitzer@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2015
Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.