July 5, 2015
Vol. 4, No. 43
Join Your Colleagues on a Magnificent Trip to Japan
Sept. 26 - Oct. 4, 2015
It is time again to finalize plans for the upcoming
visit of the Bexar County Medical Society delegation to our sister
medical society in Kumamoto, Japan. We are looking for names of
individuals who are interested in accompanying the delegation on a
fun-filled tour through the southern half of Japan.
The trip will include visits to Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima and
Kumamoto City. If you have ever wanted to go to
Japan, this is the way to go! Our friends at the Kumamoto Medical
Society treat you like royalty. It will be a trip of a lifetime!
We need to have the final count of the delegation no later than Tuesday, July
7. If you are interested in joining the group or
would like more information,
please call Dr. James Humphreys at (210) 250-1481 (cell
We'd love to have you along on this fascinating trip!
BCMS Call for Nominations
of the Bexar County Medical Society:
This is the time of year we ask for nominations for
elected officers to lead the Bexar County Medical Society. I would
like to challenge all member-physicians to think hard about who
should be elected to impact the direction of medicine in San Antonio
and Bexar County.
We need strong leaders. Apathy is not a
strategy. Please think about who you want to represent you to your
colleagues and the outside world; let's have multiple candidates
running for every position. Practices would be well-served to
designate representative physicians from those practices or other
practices to get involved to make a difference. We really need you!
The society is only as good as the physicians you elect to run it!
Steve Fitzer
CEO/Executive Director
Bexar County Medical Society
ICD-10 roll-out on the horizon,
state associations of CA, NY and FL
TMA in letters to CMS calling
a two-year ICD-10 grace period
responds with invitation to this group to participate on conference
call to discuss recommendations
Governmental and Community Relations Officer
Recently, during
the meeting of the AMA House of Delegates in Chicago, a resolution
calling upon the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to
establish a two-year implementation grace period for ICD-10 passed by
unanimous vote.
David Henkes,
MD, chair of the Texas Delegation to the AMA, along with physician
leaders of the California Medical Association, the Medical Society of
the State of New York and the Florida Delegation to the AMA signed a
joint letter to CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt, expressing
their concerns of a potential looming disaster once the Oct. 1
mandatory implementation date arrives.
this group of state leaders also sent a letter to members of Congress
calling for a halt to ICD-10 implementation or that CMS be required
to establish a two-year, penalty-free grace period. The hard
work has been recognized and CMS leaders organized a conference call
with this group of physician leaders for an in-depth discussion of
their request.
To read the letter to Acting Administrator Slavitt, the
AMA House of Delegates vote on the Texas-backed resolution and the
letter to the leaders of the U.S. Senate and House of
Representatives, click
local discussion on this and other practice management and
legislative advocacy topics, consider joining the BCMS Legislative
and Socioeconomics Committee by contacting Mary Nava.
Bioskills Training Institute

Dannemiller Inc. encourages local
anesthesiologists and pain doctors to register for their upcoming
meetings. Anesthesiologists, consider a trip to Maui Aug. 3-6 to
attend the Dannemiller Anesthesia Hawaiian Seminar 2015 ($745). Hear
from experts on 20 different topics including: Critical Thinking in
Anesthesia, Common Misunderstandings and Misadventures in
Neuroanesthesia, and participate in discussions during Q&A time
with faculty. Go to www.hawaiianesthesia.com.
Dannemiller designates this live activity for a maximum
of 24.0 CME credits.
Dannemiller also is offering a
week-long, comprehensive Pain Review Course to assist physicians with
pain review board certification and recertification from Aug. 15-20
at the Doubletree by Hilton, on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago
($1,285). Forty-eight sessions are presented by the top pain experts
in the country, including topics such as: Neurolysis: Chemical,
Cryoanalgesia and Radiofrequency in Pain Management; Overview of
Neurosurgical Invasive Technique; Regional Anesthesia for Lower
Extremity Pain (IT) and more. Dannemiller designates this live
activity for a maximum of 48.0 CME credits.
LINRON® Bioskills Training Institute
LINRON® Bioskills Training
Institute is offering ACLS Initial Provider Course July 15-16 (July
17 renewal). ATLS Initial Provider Course offered July 18-19 (July 19
refresher). PALS Initial Provider Course offered July 29-30 (July 31
renewal course). Call
210-572-2434 or go to www.linrontraining.com.
Gold-level Circle of Friends sponsors
contribute $5,000 or more to BCMS annually.
Support our sponsors; our sponsors support us!

Thank you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This
information is sent on behalf of a valued sponsor at the gold level,
but it is not an endorsement. Donations from Circle of Friends
sponsors help keep down the cost of dues and allow BCMS to continue to
provide quality service to its members. The society continues its
pledge to you and only will involve itself in services and programs
that benefit you, the member, and your patient.
Bexar County
Medical Society
6243 I-10 West,
Suite 600
San Antonio, TX
Weekly Dose is a service of the
Bexar County Medical Society.
of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable to your practice
the goal is to offer information over time that returns value
excess of the cost of your membership.
you would like to recommend future topics to share with your
rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
© 2015 Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.