Sept. 24
General Membership Meeting
6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Hilton San Antonio Airport,
611 N.W. Loop 410
and legislative updates
Auto Show
5 p.m.-9 p.m.
BCMS office parking lot,
6243 IH-10 West
buffet and cocktail party; new model vehicles; family and
friends welcome
Final Call for BCMS Leadership Nominations
There are a few days remaining to nominate physicians
to serve in leadership positions
of the Bexar County Medical Society
in 2015.
Please seriously consider getting involved with the
leadership of BCMS; don't leave it to someone else to watch out for
the practice of medicine.
Click here to review the
positions available, and nominate
yourself or a colleague.
Nomination deadline: 5 p.m., Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Review hearings under way
issues report on Texas DSHS
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
Chief Governmental
and Community Relations Officer
The Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human
Services held hearings June 24 and 25 at the Capitol to accept
testimony on the Sunset Advisory
Commission's Report on the Texas Department of State
Health Services.
Several TMA members testified on behalf of organized
medicine on a number of topics, including: regulatory tasks of
DSHS, DSHS licensure operations, the state's public health system, UIL
steroid testing and pre-participation exams for school athletes.
To read the commission's staff report and the physician testimonies, click here.
Stay tuned to this column for more
information as it becomes available on the status of Sunset Commission
For local discussion on this and other advocacy topics, consider
joining the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics Committee by contacting
BCMS Circle of Friends welcomes new
gold-level sponsor DataMED

This information is sent on behalf of a valued BCMS Circle
of Friends sponsor at the gold level, but it is not an endorsement.
Donations from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down the cost of
dues and allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service to its
members. The society continues its pledge to you and only will involve
itself in services and programs that benefit you, the member, and your
About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of
the Bexar County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable
to your practice today, but the goal is to offer information over
time that returns value in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share
with your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS Executive Director at steve.fitzer@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2014 Bexar County Medical Society, San
Antonio, Texas.