
Click image above to RSVP
Why attend this meeting?
Read a letter from James Humphreys, MD,
Chairman, BCMS
Legislative and Socioeconomics Committee,
by clicking
BCMS offers ways to get involved in organized
medicine NOW
It is time to recruit strong
leaders to serve on BCMS committees.
Your participation is
fundamental to the well-being of the society. The future of BCMS
resides on the physicians who volunteer their time to make the
society's committees strong and vibrant.
To volunteer for a BCMS committee
and make a difference, please click here and indicate your
choice(s) on the committee preference form, or print and fax it to
301-2150. The deadline for volunteering is Dec. 1.
Call for resolutions for 2015
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
Chief Governmental and Community Relations
It's that time of year again
... Do you have a TMA policy change suggestion or recommendation
for a stance on an issue? Submit your resolutions now to the
BCMS Delegation to TMA.
In order to allow adequate time for resolution
review preparations, the
deadline to submit your resolutions to BCMS is Jan. 9.
For more
information or to submit completed resolutions, contact Mary Nava.
About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of
the Bexar County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable
to your practice today, but the goal is to offer information over
time that returns value in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share
with your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS Executive Director at steve.fitzer@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2014 Bexar County Medical Society, San
Antonio, Texas.