for membership renewal approaching
County Medical Society membership dues statements have been mailed.
Make sure you continue to receive your BCMS benefits
and TMA benefits
by renewing now. As a convenience, BCMS and TMA offer automatic
renewals to ensure your membership never lapses.

Click image above
Doctors: Have you contacted your rep in Congress to
ask for a two-year ICD-10 delay?
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
Chief Governmental and Community Relations
In case you missed it, TMA
President, Austin King, MD, recently called for all members to
contact their representatives in Congress to ask for a two-year
delay in ICD-10 implementation.
If you have already contacted
your representative, we thank you. If you haven't already
done so, please click here
to access Dr. King's letter and the TMA Legislative Action Center.
A sample letter is provided there for your perusal.
For links and email addresses for San Antonio-area
Congressional representatives, click here
to visit the elected officials list on the BCMS advocacy web page.
For local discussion on this and other advocacy
topics, consider joining the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics
Committee by contacting Mary Nava.
tax deduction for dues and donations still available
Did you know
that a portion of your membership dues are tax deductible as ordinary
and necessary business expenses? TMA estimates that 82 percent of
state dues are tax deductible, and BCMS confirms that your county
dues are 100 percent deductible.
Contact BCMS
Director of Membership Brissa Vela at 210-301-4371 or via email to
enroll in the automatic renewal program or to pay your dues today.
Physician leaders still wanted for
2015 BCMS committees
if you would like
to participate on a BCMS committee and make a difference in organized
medicine, please click here and indicate your
choice(s) on the committee preference form, or print and fax it to
(210) 301-2150 no later than Dec. 18.
Circle of Friends sponsor at the gold level
To learn more, click image above
Gold-level Circle of Friends sponsors contribute $5,000
or more to BCMS annually.
Thank you to our BCMS Circle of Friends sponsors! This
information is sent on behalf of a valued sponsor at the gold level,
but it is not an endorsement.
Donations from Circle of Friends sponsors help keep down
the cost of dues and allow BCMS to continue to provide quality service
to its members.
The society continues its pledge to you and only will
involve itself in services and programs that benefit you, the member,
and your patients.
About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of
the Bexar County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable
to your practice today, but the goal is to offer information over
time that returns value in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share
with your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS Executive Director at steve.fitzer@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2014 Bexar County Medical Society, San
Antonio, Texas.