ACA implications for
employers beginning 2014
John K. Wisniewski
CEO/Executive Director
Much focus has been on the ACA
effects on your payer and patient relationships, but this would be a
good week to evaluate how it will affect your internal employee
benefit strategy.
There are different requirements
and opportunities depending on the number of folks you employ and
adjustments or delays to the implementation of these rules since the
original bill was passed. If you currently cover your employees, your
carrier and broker will likely be communicating changes or
recommendations for the future. Regardless of your renewal date, take
time now to contact your broker or other advisors to develop a plan.
Two laws now in effect ease Texas medical records
law provisions
Important highlight from
the 83rd Legislative Session
By Mary E. Nava, MBA
BCMS Chief Governmental
and Community Relations Officer
Gov. Rick Perry signed into law
two important pieces of legislation aimed at maintaining the
strength of privacy protections passed in 2011, while at the same
time clarifying and simplifying the process for compliance with the
SB 1609 and SB 1610 by Sen.
Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown) and Rep. Lois Kolkhorst
(R-Brenham) are now in effect.
Click here
to read additional information on how these new laws are
helping ease the burden of the medical record privacy law
For local discussion on this and other advocacy
topics, consider joining the
BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics Committee by
contacting Mary Nava at mary.nava@bcms.org.
Emergency Preparedness Committee seeks volunteers
The BCMS Emergency Preparedness Committee
is seeking additional physician volunteers who will comprise teams
providing basic medical care during an emergency. The goal is to
enhance local emergency-response capabilities by adding more physician
volunteers to the emergency preparedness roster.
BCMS is charged with providing
medical services for general and special-needs shelters during the
first 72 to 96 hours of an emergency disaster situation. These may be
natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes or tornadoes, or those
created by humans, such as terrorism or hazardous spills.
"We would like to expand our
core group of family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics,
orthopaedics and geriatrics physicians, but all physicians are
encouraged to volunteer," said David Marks, MD, chairman of
the BCMS Emergency Preparedness Committee and a specialist in pulmonary
critical care medicine and sleep medicine at the Pulmonary and Sleep
Institute of San Antonio.
To register as a physician volunteer, click here,
or for more information, call

information is sent on behalf of a valued BCMS Circle of Friends
sponsor at the
Bronze level, but it is not an endorsement. Donations from
Circle of Friends sponsors
help keep down the cost of dues and allow BCMS to continue
to provide quality
service to its members. The society continues its pledge
to you and only will involve
itself in services and programs that benefit you, the
member, and your patients.

About The Weekly Dose
The Weekly Dose is a service of the Bexar
County Medical Society.
Some of the suggestions conveyed may not be applicable to
your practice today,
but the goal is to offer information over time that returns value
in excess
of the cost of your membership.
If you would like to recommend future topics to share with
your colleagues,
please submit them to the BCMS executive director at john.wisniewski@bcms.org.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Copyright © 2013
Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.