Physician Advocacy

Advocating for physicians, patients, and our community since 1853


Survey after survey shows that the #1 reason physicians join the Bexar County Medical Society is "to support organized medicine and have a strong political voice."

hy Be Politically Active? Here is what physicians are saying:

  • "If we do not work to manage medical legislation, it will be managed for us. Help save our profession."
  • "Policy-making is not a spectator sport. You cannot sit on the sidelines and say somebody else will do it. It doesn't work that way. You've got to be involved and you've got to be interested."
  • "You either help govern or you're governed."
  • "A physician's responsibility is to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interest of the patient."
  • "Physicians can join TEXPAC and make their voices heard."